Today, the Fund Managers Association of Europe (EFAMA) published a statistical report on the evolution of investment in 2010 european.Va territory below presents a comparison between the evolution of investments in the funds in Romania and other European countries.
The value of assets under management - Comparison Romania vs other European countries, 2010 and 2009:
From the table it is observed that countries with the highest assets under management of investment funds are Luxembourg, France, Germany, Ireland and Britain. In contrast, countries with lower assets under management of investment funds are Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, while Romania marks the largest annual increase in assets in this segment: 62%. And, although assets in Romania are comparable to those from countries such as Slovenia or Slovakia, it is important to put them in the context of market size, in their entirety.
Thus, we present below a comparison between the value of managed assets to GDP (2011 estimate) among several countries in Central and Eastern Europe:
Adjoining comparison reveals that Romania is among countries that invest the least in relation to the size of the investment funds market as a whole. Thus, in Romania exceeds this percentage value less than 1%, a much smaller proportion than in countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and even Turkey.
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